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1967 Tube Stock Original ATO Photos
Fig. 1: 1967 Tube
Stock Cab Front

1967 Tube Stock front end showing the ATO/ATP
pick-up coils mounted ahead of the bogie frame over the running rails and which are used
to detect the coded track circuits to control the speed of the train. Two sets of
coils are provided, one for the safety information and one for the automatic driving
commands. There is another set of coils over the opposite rail on the other side of
the bogie.
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Fig. 2: Mechanical Governor
and Run Back Detector

A close up photo of the original mechanical
governor and run back detector used on 1967 Tube Stock. The mechanical governor
operated the emergency brake at 25 mi/h to prevent the train exceeding this speed if there
was no full speed (420) code available.
The run back detector was simply a device to
initiate the emergency brake if the train rolled backwards.
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This page updated 22 August 2002
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